The 4th International Conference

on the

Physics of X-Ray Multilayer Structures

March 1-5, 1998

The Village At Breckenridge Resort

Breckenridge, Colorado, USA

The development of nanometer-period multilayer structures has enabled many new and exciting applications, and has contributed to our fundamental understanding of a variety of physical phenomena. This meeting focuses primarily on the interaction of short-wavelength radiation (x-ray and EUV) with these structures, and on the relationships between growth, structure, and properties. Studies of multilayers optimized specifically for their short-wavelength optical properties, novel x-ray optics designs for high-brilliance synchrotron sources, and x-ray investigations of nanometer-scale films and multilayers intended for other purposes are of particular interest.

This fourth meeting will again provide an informal setting for participants to present recent results and exchange new ideas on the physics and properties of multilayer structures. An additional goal of the conference is to identify and address key physics issues affecting the implementation of multilayer structures in emerging technologies.

Advance Program

Organizers and Sponsors

Program Overview | Topics | Invited Speakers | Tutorial

Abstract Submission | Registration | Lodging | Travel

PXRMS'98 Photos are here!


Please direct all inquiries to the conference email address:

Last Updated: 25-April-1998
