The 4th International Conference

on the

Physics of X-Ray Multilayer Structures

Technical Organizers

Eric Fullerton IBM, USA

Jon Slaughter Motorola Inc., USA

David Windt Bell Labs, USA

Program Committee

Pierre Dhez, University of Paris-Sud, France

Jeff Kortright, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, USA

Hartmut Metzger, University of Munich, Germany

Ivan Schuller, University of California, San Diego, USA

Jan Verhoeven, FOM, The Netherlands

Steve Vernon, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, USA

Masaki Yamamoto, Tohoku University, Japan

Eric Ziegler, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France

Administrative Organizer

Maureen Stellmach, Bell Labs, USA

Industrial Sponsors

AJA International 617-545-7365

Bede Scientific Instruments Ltd 303-790-8647


Osmic Inc. 248-362-1290

Philips Analytical X-Ray

Please direct all inquiries to the conference email address:

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