The 4th International Conference

on the

Physics of X-Ray Multilayer Structures

Program Overview

The program begins with a Tutorial, on Sunday afternoon, March 1. Following the Tutorial is a fully-catered welcome reception, beginning at 7 pm in the Antlers Room at The Village. Regular morning sessions, consisting of contributed and invited oral presentations, begin Monday morning and extend through Thursday. After-dinner presentations will be held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, followed by poster sessions each night. Complete buffet breakfasts will be served Monday through Thursday, and full buffet dinners will be served Monday through Wednesday. As per PXRMS tradition, weekday afternoons are free.

Topics To Be Considered

Invited Speakers

Tutorial on X-Ray Scattering From Multilayers and Thin Films

By popular demand, the Tutorial on X-Ray Scattering From Multilayers and Thin Films will be held on Sunday afternoon (specific time to be determined,) March 1. Thank you to everyone who took the time to send us your comments on it. The tutorial is intended to be a very practical and useful session for people who want to use these techniques. Therefore it will include theory, practical examples and useful advice for those new to the field, as well as enough detail and discussion to make it worthwhile for experienced scientists.

Cost: No charge to conference attendees!

Tutorial Program

Part I. X-Ray Diffraction and X-Ray Reflectivity Analysis

Part II. Diffuse Scattering: X-Ray and EUV

Part III. Commercial Software for XRR and Diffuse Scattering Analysis

Bede and Philips are planning to have their sofware available for hands-on demonstrations throughout the remainder of the conference. It also may be possible to accomodate a limited number of other software demonstrations during the meeting. Anyone interested should contact the organizers without delay.

Please direct all inquiries to the conference email address:

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