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Introduction Periodic Multilayers Normal-Incidence Multilayer Optics Depth-Graded Multilayers Grazing-Incidence Multilayer Optics Aperiodic and Laterally-Graded
At X-ray energies above ~1 keV, multilayer coatings operate efficiently only at
shallow graze angles (although these angles are nevertheless several times larger
than the critical angle for total external reflection of the best single-layer
materials). While periodic X-ray multilayer coatings
can provide high reflectance over a narrow spectral band even in the hard
X-ray, for many applications, such as X-ray astronomy, broad spectral response
is required.
“depth-graded multilayer” coating (DGML), illustrated conceptually in the
figure at right, is a film stack containing a range of layer thicknesses so as
to achieve high reflectance over a wide band of X-ray energies. One type of
depth-graded multilayer uses a power-law distribution of layer thicknesses, as
shown in Figure
1, for
example. The theoretical response of a DGML comprising Si/W bilayers is shown
in Figure
2, relative
to the reflectance of single-layer Pt and Ir coatings.
1. Left:
layer thickness vs. layer index (counting from the top surface), for a Si/W
depth-graded multilayer containing 300 bilayers with a power-law distribution of layer thicknesses so as to achieve broad
spectral response. Right: a TEM image of the top few bilayers of a DGML coating
similar to the design shown at left.
Theoretical grazing-incidence X-ray reflectance of a Si/W DGML, relative to Ir
and Pt single-layer coatings.
W-based DGML coating shown in Figure 2 is
efficient up to the W K-edge near 70 keV. Other material combinations can be
used for efficient operation at even higher energies, as illustrated in the
next figure.
Figure 3. Theoretical grazing-incidence X-ray reflectance of W-, Pt-, and Co-based DGML coatings.
Introduction Periodic Multilayers Normal-Incidence Multilayer Optics Depth-Graded Multilayers Grazing-Incidence Multilayer Optics Aperiodic and Laterally-Graded
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