The 3rd International Conference
on the
Physics of X-Ray Multilayer Structures
3-7 March, 1996 ---
The Village at Breckenridge Resort ---
Breckenridge, Colorado
Sunday, March 3rd
19:00 - 22:00..................Welcome Reception
Monday, March 4th
07:00 - 08:00..................Breakfast
08:00 - 08:15..................Opening Remarks
08:15 - 09:30..................Session 1:
09:30 - 10:00..................Morning Break
10:00 - 10:40..................Session 2:
10:40 - 11:55..................Session 3:
11:55 - 18:00..................Afternoon Free
18:00 - 19:30..................Dinner
19:30 - 20:45..................Session 4:
20:45 - 22:30..................Session 5:
20:45 - 21:10..................Poster Advertisements
21:10 - 22:30..................Posters and Refreshments
Tuesday, March 5th
07:00 - 08:00..................Breakfast
08:00 - 09:15..................Session 6:
09:15 - 09:45..................Morning Break
09:45 - 10:45..................Session 7:
10:45 - 12:00..................Session 8:
11:55 - 18:00..................Afternoon Free
18:00 - 19:30..................Dinner
19:30 - 20:45..................Session 9:
20:45 - 22:30..................Session 10:
20:45 - 21:10..................Poster Advertisements
21:10 - 22:30..................Posters and Refreshments
Wednesday, March 6th
07:00 - 08:00..................Breakfast
08:00 - 09:35..................Session 11:
09:35 - 10:05..................Morning Break
10:05 - 11:00..................Session 12:
11:00 - 11:40..................Session 13:
11:40 - 18:00..................Afternoon Free
18:00 - 19:30..................Dinner
19:30 - 20:45..................Session 14:
20:45 - 22:30..................Session 15:
20:45 - 21:10..................Poster Advertisements
21:10 - 22:30..................Posters and Refreshments
Thursday, March 7th
07:00 - 08:15..................Breakfast
08:15 - 09:30..................Session 16:
09:50 - 10:20..................Morning Break
10:20 - 11:10..................Session 17:
11:10 - 11:15..................Closing Remarks
Abstracts are available in both plain text and Postscript formats.
Please note: plain text versions contain neither
graphics nor greek/math symbols.
Monday, March 4th
07:00 Breakfast
- 08:00 - Opening Remarks
Jon Slaughter
Optical Sciences Center, The University of Arizona,
Tucson, AZ 85721
Eric Ziegler, Session Chair
- 08:15 - 1.1
Invited Talk
The fabrication of short period multilayers for X-ray mirror
abstract in postscript format
Dept of Materials Science and Metallurgy,
University of Cambridge, Pembroke Street, Cambridge
- 08:50 - 1.2
Optimization of the ion-polishing process for e-beam produced
Co/C and Ni/C mirrors with periods of 2.4, 3.9 and 6.5 nm
abstract in postscript format
E. Louis, H.-J.Voorma, N. B. Koster, F. Bijkerk
FOM-Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen, Edisonbaan 14,
P.O. Box 1207, 3430 BE Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
E. Spiller
Physics Institute of the Technical University of Denmark,
building 307, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Present address: 60 Lakeside Road, Mt. Kisco, NY 10549
S. Abdali, F.E. Christensen, A. Hussain
Danish Space Research Institute, Gl. Lundtoftevej 7, 2800
Lyngby, Denmark
- 09:10 - 1.3
Influence of substrate biasing on NiC/Ti multilayer performance
abstract in postscript format
Y.Y.Platonov, G.Gutman, J.R.Rodriguez, K.Parker, J.Wood
OSMIC Inc., 1788 Northwood Drive, Troy, MI 48084, USA
09:30 Morning Break
Dan Stearns, Session Chair
- 10:00 - 2.1
Resonant X-ray reflectivity studies of Fe/Cr interfaces
abstract in postscript format
Eric E. Fullerton 1, J. Bai 1,2, and P. A. Montano 1,3
1. Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory
2. Brooklyn College of the City University of New York
3. University of Illinois, Chicago
- 10:20 - 2.2
High resolution X-ray scattering characterization of various
surfaces relevant for multilayers and thin film coatings
abstract in postscript format
Salim Abdali, Finn E. Christensen and Allan Hornstrup
Danish Space Research Institute, Gl Lundtoftevej 7, 2800 Lyngby,
David Windt, Session Chair
- 10:40 - 3.1
Invited Talk
Computer simulation of metal-on-metal growth
abstract in postscript format
M. Breeman
Institut fur Grenzflachenforschung und Vakuumphysik,
Forschungszentrum Julich, D-52425 Julich, Germany
- 11:15 - 3.2
Asymmetric interface broadening in epitaxial Mo/W (001) superlattices
grown by reactive magnetron sputtering on MgO (001) substrates
abstract in postscript format
E. B. Svedberg, J. Birch, I. Ivanov, E. P. Munger,
and J.-E. Sundgren
Thin Film Physics Division, Department of Physics,
Linkoping University, S-581 83 Linkoping, Sweden
- 11:35 - 3.3
Epitaxial growth and characterization of Mo/NbN and W/NbN superlattices
abstract in postscript format
Anita Madan, Xi Chu and Scott Barnett
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern
University, Evanston, IL 60208
11:55 Afternoon Free
18:00 Dinner
Pierre Dhez, Session Chair
- 19:30 - 4.1
Invited Talk
Pushing the state-of-the-art in EUV and soft X-ray optics
abstract in postscript format
David Attwood
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and
University of California at Berkeley
- 20:05 - 4.2
Recent improvements in soft x-ray multilayer diffraction gratings
abstract in postscript format
U. Kleineberg, K. Osterried, H.-J. Stock, P. Muller#, D. Fuchs#,
K.F. Heidemann* and U. Heinzmann
Universitaet Bielefeld, Fakultaet fuer Physik, D-33615
*Carl Zeiss, D-73446 Oberkochen
#PTB, D-10587 Berlin
- 20:25 - 4.3
Multilayer measurements with the calibration and standards beamline at the
Advanced Light Source
abstract in postscript format
J. H. Underwood and E. M. Gullikson
Center for X-ray Optics, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of
California, Berkeley CA 94720
Jeff Kortright, Session Chair
20:45 Poster Advertisements - 3 minutes each
21:10 Posters and Refreshments
- 5.1
Mo2C/B4C multilayer mirrors for normal incidence reflectance
at 7 nm wavelength
abstract in postscript format
T. D. Nguyen and T. Barbee, Jr.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
Livermore, CA 94550
- 5.2
Preparation and characterization of Mn-Co-Ni-O thin films
abstract in postscript format
C.C.Kao, C.J.Peng, J.S.Bow, H.H.Yen, L.J.Lin, J.C.K.Soong
Materials Research Laboratories Industrial Technology
Research Institute, Chutung 31015, Taiwan, R.O.C.
- 5.3
Spectral sampling of a soft X-ray tube emission by a lamellar
multilayer grating in standard and conical mountings
abstract in postscript format
K. Krastev *, F. LeGuern *$, K. Coat *, R. Barchewitz *, J.-M. Andre *
* Laboratoire de Chimie Physique-Matiere et Rayonnement,
CNRS UA 176, Groupe Optique X, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC),
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75231, Paris Cedex 05, France
$ CEA-DAM, Bruyeres-le-Chatel, France
M. F. Ravet, E. Cambril, F. Rousseaux
Laboratoire de Microstructures et de Microelectonique, L2M/CNRS,
196 avenue Henri Ravera 92220 Bagneux, France
P. Davi
SFIM (Optronique pour la Defense et al Spatial, 14 rue Paul Dautier,
78140 Velizy-Villcoublay, France
- 5.4
Short Period (< 3 nm) Multilayers of BN/Ni and Si/W For X-Ray
abstract in postscript format
Joseph Pedulla
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Physics
Laboratory, Bldg. 221, Room A141, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 USA,
and J. Pedulla & Associates, Silver Spring, MD 20904
Richard D. Deslattes
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Physics Laboratory,
Bldg. 221, Room A141, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 USA
- 5.5
Focusing performances of Transmission Phase Fresnel Zone Plates
abstract in postscript format
P. Troussel, S. Bac, J. M. Dalmasso, M. Pichet, M. Ollivier,
R. Sauneuf, C. Reverdin
CEA, 94195 Villeneuve saint Georges Cedex, France
M. Idir
Laboratoire de Spectroscopie Atomique et Ionique
Universit-Paris Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France
G. Soullie
CEA B3, Service CEM, BP12, 91680
Bruyres le Chatel, France
- 5.6
Evolution of surface morphology during growth and ion erosion of thin films
abstract in postscript format
R. Schlatmann, J. D. Shindler, and J. Verhoeven
FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics,
Kruislaan 107, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tuesday, March 5th
07:00 Breakfast
Rob Somekh, Session Chair
- 08:00 - 6.1
Invited Talk
Magnetic anisotropy in metallic multilayers and ultra-thin films
abstract in postscript format
Charles M. Falco, Brad N. Engel *, and J. M. Slaughter
Physics Department and the Optical Sciences Center, The University
of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721
* Present address: Storage Technology Corporation, Louisville, Colorado,
- 08:35 - 6.2
Element-specific magneto-optical studies using tunable x-ray multilayer
abstract in postscript format
J.B. Kortright and M. Rice
Center for X-Ray Optics and Advanced Light Source,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720 USA
- 08:55 - 6.3
X-Ray grazing-incidence magneto-optics of multilayer structures under
resonant spectral conditions
abstract in postscript format
V.M.Matveev, V.V.Matveev
State Research Institute of Physical Problems,
103460, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia
09:15 Morning Break
Jeff Kortright, Session Chair
- 09:45 - 7.1
Multilayer performance optimization for X-ray applications between
0.1 keV and 100 keV
abstract in postscript format
E. Ziegler and K. Vestli *
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, BP 200, F-38043 Grenoble
Cedex, France
* Permanent address: UNIT/NTH, Institutt For Physikk,
N 7034 Trondheim, Norway
- 10:05 - 7.2
Ni/Si based multilayer systems for the water window
abstract in postscript format
M. Cilia and J. Verhoeven
FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, Kruislaan 407,
1098SJ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 10:25 - 7.3
Deposition and in situ reflectance measurements of Y/Mo XUV
multilayer mirrors
abstract in postscript format
C. Montcalm,*? B.T. Sullivan* and H. Pepin?
* Institute for Microstructural Sciences, National Research
Council of Canada Montreal Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A OR6, Canada.
? INRS-Energie et Materiaux, Universite du Quebec, 1650 Montee
Ste-Julie, Varennes, Quebec, J3X 1S2, Canada.
Masaki Yamamoto, Session Chair
- 10:45 - 8.1
Invited Talk
Schwarzschild type X-ray microscope
abstract in postscript format
Katsuhiko Murakami
Main Research Laboratory, Nikon Corporation
1-6-3 Nishi-ohi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140, Japan
- 11:20 - 8.2
Figuring by multilayer deposition:
a new technique for producing ultraprecision optics
abstract in postscript format
C. Tarrio, C. J. Evans, T. B. Lucatorto, and C. W. Clark
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg
MD 20899
E. Spiller
IBM Research, Yorktown Heights NY 10549
- 11:40 - 8.3
Progress toward fabrication of aspheres using precision multilayer
abstract in postscript format
S.P. Vernon, P.A. Kearney, F.W. Weber and D.R. Kania
University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
PO Box 808, Livermore CA 94551
12:00 Afternoon Free
18:00 Dinner
Dan Stearns, Session Chair
- 19:30 - 9.1
Invited Talk
Mechanical behavior of artificially multilayered thin films
abstract in postscript format
Robert Cammarata
Johns Hopkins University, Department of Materials Science and
Engineering, 102 Maryland Hall, 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore,
MD 21218
- 20:05 - 9.2
Stresses in Mo/Si and W/Si multilayer films
abstract in postscript format
David L. Windt
Bell Laboratories, Room 1D-456, 600 Mountain Ave,
Murray Hill, NJ 07974
- 20:25 - 9.3
Thermal stability of W1-xSix/Si
multilayers for X-ray optics under rapid thermal annealing
abstract in postscript format
E. Majkova, S. Luby, M. Jergel, R. Senderak
Institute of Physics, Slovak Acad. Sci., 842 28
Bratislava, Slovak Republic,
G. Haindl, F. Hamelmann, U. Kleineberg, U. Heinzmann
Universitat Bielefeld, Fakultat fur Physik, 4800
Bielefeld, Germany
Eric Ziegler, Session Chair
20:45 Poster Advertisements - 3 minutes each
21:10 Posters and Refreshments
- 10.1
Modified scheme of pulse laser evaporation
abstract in postscript format
N. I. Chkhalo, E. P. Kruglyakov, M. V. Fedorchenko
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
- 10.2
Design and characterization of a low defect density Mo/Si
deposition system for the fabrication of EUVL reticle blanks
abstract in postscript format
D. R. Kania, S. P. Vernon, P. A. Kearney, R. A. Levesque
University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
PO Box 808, Livermore CA 94551
A. V. Hayes, V. Kanarov, B. Vidinsky
Veeco Instuments Inc., Microtech, Ion Beam Systems,
Terminal Drive, Plainview NY 11803
- 10.3
Extreme ultraviolet reflectance of thin films deposited in situ
abstract in postscript format
J. M. Slaughter and Charles M. Falco
Optical Sciences Center and Department of Physics,
The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721
C. Tarrio, R. N. Watts, and T. B. Lucatorto
Physics Laboratory, National Institute of Standards
and Technology, Gaithersburg MD 20899
- 10.4
Ultrasmooth, conducting multilayer films for advanced applications
abstract in postscript format
D. G. Stearns, S. Baker, and M. Wall
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, P.O. Box 808,
Livermore, CA
- 10.5
Diffuse scattering in multilyers: a tool for the study of interfaces
defects and disordered alloys
abstract in postscript format
Helene Fischer*, Henry Fischer#, Michel Bessiere#,, Michel Piecuch*
*LMPSM, Univ. Nancy I, B.P. 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Cedex,
#LURE (CNRS/CEA/MESR), Bat. 209d, Univ. Paris.Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex,
- 10.6
Mo/Si multilayers produced using ion etching with energies
between 300 and 2000eV at various angles of incidence
abstract in postscript format
H.-J. Voorma, E. Louis, N.B. Koster, D.J. Paff and F. Bijkerk
FOM-Institute for plasma physics 'Rijnhuizen', Edisonbaan 14,
P.O.Box 1207,3430 BE Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
Wednesday, March 6th
07:00 Breakfast
Jon Slaughter, Session Chair
- 08:00 - 11.1
Invited Talk
Neutron and X-ray reflectometry as complementary probes
abstract in postscript format
Roger Pynn, Shenda M. Baker*, M. R. Fitzsimmons, Jaroslaw Majewski,
and G. S. Smith
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545
*Harvey Mudd College, Dept. of Chemistry, 301 E 12th St., Claremont
CA 91711
- 08:35 - 11.2
In situ multilayer deposition studies by x-ray energy dispersive method
abstract in postscript format
J. C. Malaurent*, H. Duval*, G. Cauchon**, P. Dhez**, O. Hainaut**,
M. Idir** and J.P. Chauvineau***
* Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Bat 510 Univ. Paris XI,
F-91405 Orsay
** Laboratoire de Spectroscopie Atomique et Ionique, Bat 350, Univ. Paris
XI, F- 91405 Orsay
*** Institut d'Optique Theorique et Applique d'Orsay, Bat 503 Univ. Paris
XI, F- 91405 Orsay
- 08:55 - 11.3
EUV thin film ellipsometry
abstract in postscript format
M. Yamamoto, K. Mayama, H. Kimura and M. Yanagihara
RISM, Tohoku University, 980-77 Japan
- 09:15 - 11.4
Reflectance measurements on clean surfaces for the determination
of optical constants of materials in the EUV/soft X-ray region
abstract in postscript format
R. Soufli, E. M. Gullikson and J. H. Underwood
Center for X-ray Optics, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, CA 94720
09:35 Morning Break
Jan Verhoeven, Session Chair
- 10:05 - 12.1
Invited Talk
Super-flat high-reflectivity semitransparent multilayer mirrors
abstract in postscript format
Marcia C. K. Tinone, Tsuneyuki Haga, and Hiroo Kinoshita *
NTT LSI Laboratories, Morinosato 3-1 Wakamiya, Atsugi,
243-01 Japan
* Present address: Himeki Institute of Technology, 2167 Syosya,
Himejishi, 671-22 Japan
- 10:40 - 12.2
Diffractive optics developed for X-ray etching high efficiency mirrors and
super-mirrors used both for X and Neutron radiations
abstract in postscript format
B. Vidal*, Hugues Trambly*, A. Yakchin*, Marc Cilia+, A. Erko**
* Laboratoire d'Optique Electromagnetique, CNRS URA 843, Facult des
Scinces de St Jerome, Avenue E. Normandie Niemen, F-13397
+ FOM Institut, Postbus 41883, 1009 DB Amsterdam, The Netherlands
** BESSY II, Rudower Chausse 5, Geb 15.1, D-12489 BERLIN
Pierre Dhez, Session Chair
- 11:00 - 13.1
In situ analysis in the annealing of multilayers
abstract in postscript format
M. Lingham, E. Luken *, E. Ziegler
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, BP 220, Grenoble Cedex,
F-38043, France
* Present address: Siemens AG, Paris
- 11:20 - 13.2
Damage studies to multilayer mirrors by intense soft x-ray bursts
abstract in postscript format
F. Le Guern*, J.L. Dutrannoy*, J.M. Andre**, D.Friart*, P. Troussel***
J.P. Le Breton***, C. Nazet*, J.Y. Boutin*, R. Barchewitz**
*Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, CEM/MR, BP12, 91680 Bruyeres
le Chatel, France
**Laboratoire de Chimie Physique, Groupe Optique X, Universite Pierre
et Marie Curie, 75231 Paris, France
***Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, DLPP/ED, 94195 Villeneuve
Saint-Georges, France
11:50 Afternoon Free
18:00 Dinner
Eric Fullerton, Session Chair
- 19:30 - 14.1
Invited Talk
Correlations between structure and physical properties in metallic
abstract in postscript format
Ivan K. Schuller
Physics Department, University of California-San Diego,
La Jolla, CA. 92093-0319
- 20:05 - 14.2
Structure and superconductivity of Nb/Pd(Mn) multilayers
abstract in postscript format
J. M. Slaughter, James Eickmann, U. Hiller, Satoru Kaneko *,
and Charles M. Falco
Optical Sciences Center and Department of Physics, The
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721
* Permanent adress: Industrial Research Institute of Kanagawa
Prefecture, 3173 Showa-machi, Kanazawa-ku, Yokahama 236, Japan
C. Coccorese, C. Attanasio, L. Maritato, and M. Salvato
Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita di Salerno, 84081
Baronissi, Italy
- 20:25 - 14.3
X-ray diffraction characterization of Mom/Vn
superlattices with ultrathin layers (m+n <~4 monolayers) prepared
by sequential sputter deposition
abstract in postscript format
Jens Birch # and Jan-Eric Sundgren
Thin Film Physics Division, Department of Physics,
Linkoping University, S-581 83 Linkoping, Sweden
# Present address: ESRF, BP 220, F-38 043 Grenoble, France
Jan Verhoeven, Session Chair
20:45 Poster Advertisements - 3 minutes each
21:10 Posters and Refreshments
- 15.1
Study of the inner structure and its changes upon annealing of Co/C and Ni/C
multilayers prepared by pulsed laser evaporation method
abstract in postscript format
V.A. Chernov , N.I. Chkhalo , M.V. Fedorchenko , S.V. Mytnichenko , S.G.
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Novosibirsk 630128, Russia
- 15.2
Bragg Fresnel lens using Ag/ Al multilayer zone plate and Ge crystal
abstract in postscript format
Masaki Koike and Isao H. Suzuki
Electrotechnical Laboratory,
1-1-4, Umezono, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki, 305 Japan
- 15.3
Influence of overlayers of photodetectors on their optical properties
abstract in postscript format
Terubumi Saito(a) and Lanny R. Hughey
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
B119 Radiation Physics, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 USA
(a) on leave from Electrotechnical Laboratory (ETL),
1-1-4, Umezono, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305, Japan
- 15.4
Influence of a non-magnetic underlayer on the magnetic anisotropy of
ultra-thin Co and Fe films
abstract in postscript format
J. Eickmann, C. Marliere, B. N. Engel, and Charles M. Falco
Optical Sciences Center and Department of Physics, The
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721
- 15.5
Multilayer deposition on large-area, figured X-ray optics
abstract in postscript format
David L. Windt
Bell Laboratories, Room 1D-456, 600 Mountain Ave, Murray Hill,
NJ 07974
- 15.6
Stabilization of cubic AlN in epitaxial TiN/AlN superlattices
abstract in postscript format
Ilwon Kim, Anita Madan, Scott Barnett, Shang-Cong Cheung, and
Vinayak Dravid
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern
- 15.7
Method of eigenvectors for numerical studies of multilayer gratings
abstract in postscript format
V. I. Erofeev
Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Academy of Sciences,
N. V. Kovalenko
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences, Russia
Thursday, March 7th
07:00 Breakfast
Masaki Yamamoto, Session Chair
- 08:15 - 16.1
Invited Talk
In-situ STM observation of the initial stage of the film growth
abstract in postscript format
I. Kataoka, K. Sekine, K. Etoh, K. Ito, S. Hirayama, K. Nishimoto
Central Research Laboratory, Japan Aviation Electronics Industry,
Ltd.,1-1 Musashino 3-chome Akishima-shi Tokyo 196 Japan
- 08:50 - 16.2
Roughness vs. thickness in Ru/C multilayers - a parametric study
abstract in postscript format
C. C. Walton, H. Takenaka*, T. Kawamura* and J. B. Kortright
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, California 94720 USA
*NTT Interdisciplinary Research Laboratories,
9-22 Midori-cho 3-chome
Musashino-shi Tokyo 180 Japan
- 09:10 - 16.3
X-ray diffraction study of In segregation in MBE grown
In1-xGaxAs/GaAs superlattices
abstract in postscript format
Philip Yashar, Manoj Pillai, Joanna Mirecki-Millunchick, and
Scott A. Barnett
Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208
- 09:30 - 16.4
LiH thin films for small d spacing multilayer reflectors
abstract in postscript format
Gregory Thompson, David D. Allred
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Brigham Young University,
PO Box 24636, Provo, UT 84604-4636.
09:50 Morning Break
Eric Fullerton, Session Chair
- 10:20 - 17.1
Progress in the theory of X-ray scattering from multilayer structures
abstract in postscript format
D. G. Stearns
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, P.O. Box 808,
Livermore, CA
- 10:50 - 17.2
Scaling exponents and growth mechanisms of W/Si multilayers determined
by diffuse x-ray scattering from interface roughness
abstract in postscript format
T. Salditt, T. H. Metzger, D. Lott and J. Peisl
Sektion Physik der Ludwig - Maximilians - Universitaet Muenchen,
Geschwister - Scholl - Platz 1, 80539 Muenchen, Germany
- 11:10 - Closing Remarks
David L. Windt
Bell Laboratories, Room 1D-456, 600 Mountain Ave.,
Murray Hill, NJ 07974
Abdali, S. 1.2, 2.2
Allred, D. D. 16.4
Andre, J.-M. 5.3, 13.2
Attanasio, C. 14.2
Attwood, D. 4.1
Bac, S. 5.5
Bai, J. 2.1
Baker, S. 10.4
Baker, S. M. 11.1
Barbee, T. 5.1
Barchewitz, R. 5.3, 13.2
Barnett, S. 3.3, 15.6, 16.3
Bessiere, M. 10.5
Bijkerk, F. 1.2, 10.6
Birch, J. 3.2, 14.3
Boutin, J. Y. 13.2
Bow, J. S. 5.2
Breeman, M. 3.1
Cambril, E. 5.3
Cammarata, R. 9.1
Cauchon, G. 11.2
Chauvineau, J. P. 11.2
Chernov, V. A. 15.1
Cheung, S.-C. 15.6
Chkhalo, N. I. 10.1, 15.1
Christensen, F. E. 1.2, 2.2
Chu, X. 3.3
Cilia, M. 7.2
Clark, C. W. 8.2
Clia, M. 12.2
Coat, K. 5.3
Coccorese, C. 14.2
Dalmasso, J. M. 5.5
Davi, P. 5.3
Deslattes, R. D. 5.4
Dhez, P. 11.2
Dravid, V. 15.6
Dutrannoy, J. L. 13.2
Duval, H. 11.2
Eickmann, J. 14.2, 15.4
Eller, P. M. 4.2
Engel, B. N. 6.1, 15.4
Erko, A. 12.2
Etoh, K. 16.1
Evans, C. J. 8.2
Falco, C. 6.1, 10.3, 14.2, 15.4
Fedorchenko, M. V. 10.1, 15.1
Fischer, H. 10.5
Fischer, H. 10.5
Fitzsimmons, M. R. 11.1
Friart, D. 13.2
Fuchs, D. 4.2
Fullerton, E. 2.1
Gullikson, E. M. 4.3, 11.4
Gutman, G. 1.3
Haga, T. 12.1
Hainaut, O. 11.2
Haindl, G. 9.3
Hamlemann, F. 9.3
Hayes, A. V. 10.2
Heidemann, K. F. 4.2
Heinzmann, U. 4.2, 9.3
Hiller, U. 14.2
Hirayama, S. 16.1
Hornstrup, A. 2.2
Hughey, L. R. 15.3
Hussain, A. 1.2
Idir, M. 5.5, 11.2
Ito, K. 16.1
Ivanov, I. 3.2
Jergel, M. 9.3
Kanarov, V. 10.2
Kaneko, S. 14.2
Kania, D. R. 8.3, 10.2
Kao, C. C. 5.2
Kataoka, I. 16.1
Kawamura, T. 16.2
Kearney, P. A. 8.3, 10.2
Kim, I. 15.6
Kimua, H. 11.3
Kinoshita, H. 12.1
Kleineberg, U. 4.2, 9.3
Koike, M. 15.2
Kortright, J. 6.2, 16.2
Koster, N. B. 1.2, 10.6
Kovalenk, N. V. 15.7
Krastev, K. 5.3
Kruglyakov, E. P. 10.1
Le Breton, J. P. 13.2
Le Guern, F. 5.3, 13.2
Levesque, R. A. 10.2
Lin, L. J 5.2
Lingham, M. 13.1
Lott, D. 17.2
Louis, E. 1.2, 10.6
Luby, S. 9.3
Lucatorto, T. B. 8.2, 10.3
Luken, E. 13.1
Madan, A. 3.3, 15.6
Majerski, J. 11.1
Majkova, E. 9.3
Malaurent, J. C. 11.2
Maritato, L. 14.2
Marliere, C. 15.4
Matveev, V. M. 6.3
Matveev, V. V. 6.3
Mayama, K. 11.3
Metzger, T. H. 17.2
Mirecki-Millunchick, J. 16.3
Montano, P. A. 2.1
Montcalm, C. 7.3
Munger, E. P. 3.2
Murakami, K. 8.1
Mytnichenko, S. V. 15.1
Nazet, C. 13.2
Nikitenko, S. G. 15.1
Nishimoto, K. 16.1
Nguyen, T. D. 5.1
Ollivier, M. 5.5
Osterried, K. 4.2
Paff, D. J. 10.6
Parker, K. 1.3
Pedulla, J. 5.4
Peisl, J. 17.2
Peng, C. J. 5.2
Pepin, H. 7.3
Pichet, M. 5.5
Piecuch, M. 10.5
Pillai, M. 16.3
Platonov, Y. Y. 1.3
Pynn, R. 11.1
Ravet, M. F. 5.3
Reverdin, C. 5.5
Rice, M. 6.2
Rodriquez, J. R. 1.3
Rousseaux, F. 5.3
Saito, T. 15.3
Salditt, T. 17.2
Salvato, M. 14.2
Sauneuf, R. 5.5
Schlatmann, R. 5.6
Shindler, J. D. 5.6
Schuller, I. K. 14.1
Sekine, K. 16.1
Senderak, R. 9.3
Slaughter, J. M. 6.1, 10.3, 14.2
Smith, G. S. 11.1
Somekh, R. E. 1.1
Soong, J. C. K. 5.2
Soufli, R. 11.4
Soullie, G. 5.5
Spiller, E. 1.2, 8.2
Stearns, D. 10.4, 17.1
Stock, H.-J. 4.2
Sullivan, B. T. 7.3
Sundgren, J.-E. 3.2, 14.3
Suzuki, H. 15.2
Svedberg, E. 3.2
Takenaka, H. 16.2
Tarrio, C. 8.2, 10.3
Thompson, G. 16.4
Tinone, M. 12.1
Tramblay, H. 12.2
Troussel, P. 5.5, 13.2
Underwood, J. H. 4.3, 11.4
Verhoeven, J. 5.6, 7.2
Vernon, S. 8.3, 10.2
Vestli, K. 7.1
Vidal, B. 12.2
Vidinsky, B. 10.2
Voorma, H.-J. 1.2, 10.6
Wall, M. 10.4
Walton, C. 16.2
Watts, R. N. 10.3
Weber, F. W. 8.3
Windt, D. 9.2, 15.5
Wood, J. 1.3
Yakchin, A. 12.2
Yamamoto, M. 11.3
Yanagihara, M. 11.3
Yashar, P. 16.3
Yen, H. H. 5.2
Yerofeyev, V. I. 15.7
Ziegler, E. 7.1, 13.1
Last Updated: 21 February, 1996
The Physics of X-Ray Multilayer Structures /