Optimization of the ion-polishing process for e-beam produced Co/C and Ni/C mirrors with periods of 2.4, 3.9 and 6.5 nm. E. Louis, H.-J.Voorma, N.B. Koster, F. Bijkerk FOM-Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen, Edisonbaan 14, P.O. Box 1207, 3430 BE Nieuwegein, The Netherlands, tel. 31-30 6096999, fax 31-30 6031204, e-mail: louis@rijnh.nl E. Spiller Physics Institute of the Technical University of Denmark, building 307, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark. Present adress: 60 Lakeside Road, Mt. Kisco, NY 10549. e-mail: Spiller@watson.ibm.com S. Abdali, F.E. Christensen, A. Hussain. Danish Space Research Institute, Gl. Lundtoftevej 7, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark, e-mail: salim@dsri.dk We produced multilayer coatings on a panel of flat super-polished Si(111) crystals to be used in a spectrometer at the spectrum r=F6ntgen-gamma satellite. We optimized the e-beam deposition parameters and ion-polishing process for Co/C and Ni/C coatings. For the optimization we monitored the soft x-ray reflectivity during production and we determined the interface roughness with grazing incidence reflectivity of 0.154 nm radiation. The coatings developed for the satellite mission have a period of 3.9 nm. The effect of ion-polishing with Kr+- and Ar+-ions of energies ranging between 300 eV and 1000 eV incident at an angle of 20 degrees to the mirror surface will be discussed. We investigated the interface roughness as a function of the thickness removed by ion-polishing. To study the implantation of the ions in the layers we performed XRF-analysis. The parameters that are found to be most effective for the reduction of the interface roughness were used as a starting point for the production of coatings with a much shorter period (2.4 nm). These coatings are made on very curved substrates (radius of curvature 50 mm) and are to be used as focusing elements in an X-ray photo-ionization experiment. The dependence of the optimum polishing parameters on the layer thicknesses will be discussed and reflectivity data of the coatings will be presented. =46urthermore we tested the applicability of the process developed to coatings with a period of 6.5 nm. Grazing incidence reflectivity measurements on these coatings will be presented.