B.3 Reading measured data files

Contained here are further details on loading your measured data files into IMD.

As described in section 3.1, the easiest easiet way to load your data into IMD is to use the File->Open Measured Data File... option from the main IMD widget menu bar. Alternatively, you can use the procedure IMD_M_RD (described in the previous section) directly from the IDL command line (at the IMD prompt.) But in either case, you must

The Read-Measured-Data Command String

If your measured data file is an ASCII file containing columns of data, you can use the EROM procedure to read the file (see the documentation for EROM in the windt directory.) If the file is not an ASCII file, or you cannot use EROM for some reason, then you will need to write your own IDL procedure (or function) to read your file.

But however you read your measured data file (EROM or your own procedure) you must either

As indicated in section 3.1, it's important to set - before loading the data - the independent variable Units to correspond with what's actually in your file. For instance, if you're reading in data as a function of Normal incidence angle, make sure that the Angle units are set for Normal Incidence, and not Grazing Incidence. Likewise for wavelength/energy or length units.

You can change units to whatever you prefer after you load in the data, but IMD needs to know what units are actually in your data file ahead of time, as IMD will convert (i.e., redefine) X_M after it reads the file.

But...if you want to get fancy, you can take advantage of the values of the IMD COMMON block variables IMD.ANGLEUNITS_PTR, IMD.PHOTONUNITS_PTR, or IMD.LAYERUNITS_PTR, (see Appendix B.4) to make sure that your data get converted correctly, regardless of how these pointers might be set. That is, if you know your data file contains, for example, reflectance vs. grazing incidence data, then you might write a procedure like this:

Remember that X_M will get converted (redefined) to "internal" units (i.e., normal incidence, or angstroms) after the file is read; this conversion procedes according to the current value of IMD.X_M.

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