IMD RELEASE NOTES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 4.1.1, released 30-August-2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a maintenance release, with some bug fixes, though no significant new features, and the following changes: * Support for IDL 5.1 and higher. With any luck, this version of IMD will work with IDL releases beyond 5.4. But we'll see... * Electric field intensities (i.e., amplitude squared) for p-polarization are now computed as the sum of the intensities for the normal and tangential field components, which are computed separately. In previous versions of IMD the normal and tangential field components were not computed separately, leading to incorrect interface discontinuities. Much thanks to See-Hun Yang at LBL ( for providing the correct formalism. * Electric field amplitudes can now be returned using the FPS, FMS, FPPN, FMPN, FPPT and FMPN keywords to the FRESNEL procedure. Consult the description of the FRESNEL procedure in Appendix B.2 of the IMD documentation for details. * New X-ray optical constants have been generated for Sc, Sc2O3, AlN, ZrN, Ni.8Cr.2, Ni.93V.07. * A new 'Re-load Measured Data...' item has been added to the IMDXPLOT File menu. This feature allows the user to re-load a measured data file that has already been opened once before, without having to go through the whole process of specifying all the details in the 'Open Measured Data File' widget. This is handy for comparing data to calculations while the data is coming in, i.e., as the measured data is being acquired. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 4.1, released 1-December-1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aside from the parameter estimation enhancements described in the What's New In IMD 4.1 hypertext documentation, and along with a number of bug fixes, users should note the following changes to IMD 4.1: * Support for IDL 5.0/5.1/5.2. * Measured data can now be saved along with IMD calculations, by choosing this option in the File->Preferences->Auto Save... menu option. * New X-ray optical constants have been generated for TaN and Cu4Si. * The GAUS_CONVOL algorithm, used to account for finite instrumental angular and/or spectral resolution, has been changed slightly (by Roger Dejus) as described in the file in the 'windt' idl directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 4.0, released June-1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In addition to the major new features described in the hypertext IMD documentation, a number of bugs have been fixed (though there are certain to be new ones.) In addition, users should note the following: * IDL V4.0x is no longer supported. Indeed, users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to IDL 5.1: in addition to the numerous bug fixes on Windows and Macintosh platforms, opening IMD files under IDL 5.1 is hugely faster. * A change has been made in the way IMD_F1F2TONK works, in accord with the conventions adopted by Eric Gullikson at the CXRO. In previous versions of IMD, the optical constants n,k were computed from the atomic scattering factors f1,f2 using the exact expression relating n and k to the square root of the dielectric function epsilon. In IMD V4.0, n,k are computed using the 'approximate' form of this relationship, where the square root has been expanded in a first order Taylor series. This change will result in a slight difference in optical constants only at the long-wavelength end of the X-ray spectrum (i.e., for wavelengths longer than about 100 A.) Note also that new optical constants files have been generated in accord with this change. * New optical constants (which I recently measured) have been included for Y, from 50-240 A. * A change has been made in the implementation of the modified Fresnel coefficient formalism: the choice of interface profile function is now completely separate from the choice of which type of modification is made (as described in Section 2.2 of the IMD documentation.) Users should note that when opening IMD files created with previous versions of IMD, this change implies that the data contained in the older IMD files may not necessarily correspond to the interface parameters indicated. * A known limitation exists when computing optical functions as a function of wavelength or energy. If you perform the computation as a function of wavelength, contour + image plots will not be displayed correctly if you change the wavelength/energy units from wavelength to energy. Similarly, if you perform the computation as a function of energy, these plots will be incorrect if you change to wavelengths. * Note that the IMDOPLOT procedure has been renamed to IMDSPLOT. * Note that the chi_sqr variable has been renamed to chi_2.