B.1 Customizing the installation

If you will use IMD with a licensed copy of IDL, and you choose not to install the imd directory inside of the user_contrib directory in the main IDL directory, then you must edit the file imdsiteconfig.pro, located in the imd directory. The file imdsiteconfig.pro contains executable IDL code (although the program itself will not run if you just type .run imdsiteconfig.pro at the IDL prompt.) You must change the value of the imdhome variable in this file so that it refers to the actual IMD installation directory.

There are several other parameters you can adjust in this file:


If you need to conserve disk space, there are a number of files that are included in the imd distribution that are optional, and can be safely deleted. Specifically, the examples.dir directory contains many examples files, all of which can be deleted. Also, three versions of the IMD binary file are shipped: one to be used with IDL version 5.1, called imd_51, another to be used with IDL version 5.2, called imd_52, and another to be used with IDL version 5.3 or higher, called imd_53. If you are sure you will only use one version of IDL (V5.1, V5.2, or V5.3 or higher), then you can delete whichever IMD binary files are not going to be used. Finally, this hypertext documentation is non-essential, and so the entire docs.dir directory can also be removed.

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